Saturday, February 21, 2015


"Outrageous this new image of me in the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie! For one, I'm blond and for the last time... there are no damn underwater tattoo parlours . . . "

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to

Thursday, February 19, 2015


THE REVIEW: “An utterly imaginative and arresting tale for those of us who have ever contemplated where we go when we die.” —A.K. Kuykendall 


I am an author of Irish/French heritage, finding my niche in writing books in the paranormal/horror genre. After writing my first book, a memoir entitled, “Strapped into an American Dream”, I moved on to tackle fiction. The paranormal romance, "Desert Son" resulted from this experiment. I enjoyed the finished project. So did my readers and reviewers. In fact, I enjoyed the project so much that I found it deserving of a sequel, and I have just completed it. Now in the editing phase, I have an eye down the road to write more books in the paranormal, horror genre. 


1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

My writing career took off when I took off, which was after I got married.  My wife and I quit our jobs, sold our cars, bought a used RV and traveled through the 48 continental states for an entire year. I needed something to write about, and made myself a travel correspondent for two local newspapers and published twenty articles along the way. I published my first book, which detailed the people and places along the way, entitled “Strapped Into An American Dream.”

2.  At what point in your life, did you decide you wanted to be a writer?

I have enjoyed writing and storytelling ever since I was in the First grade and received high praise for a story I did. It was a simple story, but it was First grade, and I liked the feeling it brought in return. I liked the way it made people feel when they read it, and that made me feel good. It had a trickle down affect. Moving ahead in years as an English Major in college, I studied great writers like Henry David Thoreau and his Walden Pond, in which he described his life in the woods with precision-detail. We picked apart Shakespeare, which was a very difficult task, but all the world’s a stage, and my stage was set.

3. What are your most memorable or proudest moments in your writing career?

There are a lot of proud moments for an author. Holding that first book in my hands was up there high on my list. Everything could be seen online up to that point, but holding the physical book was huge. Book two was really nice too. The local author stories, book signing blurbs in the newspaper, and having a book signing at Barnes & Noble in my home town were very exciting moments. Getting all this accomplished with my parents still around to experience it takes the cake.  

4. Where would you like to see yourself in five years’ time?

I would like to be a best-selling author within five years. I’m knocking off goals in my life, and “published author” I’ve hit up twice. Now I want more. Always want more! I will keep writing books and see where it takes me.

5. What advice do you wish you’d been given before starting your career in writing?

I wish that I were told the real story behind marketing books. I wish I were a social media expert. I was completely mistaken to think that all I had to do was write a book and the publisher would take care of the rest.

6. Tell us about the books you’ve written so far, and your plans for any future books?  

My first book was a non-fiction book entitled, “Strapped Into An American Dream” which details my one-year journey through America. I then wrote a fiction book. A man has a car accident that kills his parents. He has an out-of body experience and meets a woman who claims to be his mother. She encourages him to search for his true identity, so he follows signs that lead him from Boston to Colorado.  He is captivated by an old house, but it’s the diaries, hypnosis, and past-life regression within the house that uncover his truth. I have written a sequel to “Desert Son” that I am currently editing. This time around, I plan to search for a Literary Agent to assist with publication.

7. Is there any part of your career, you find particularly challenging?

Marketing/Social Media are the most challenging. If money weren’t an issue, I would definitely hire someone to take care of this aspect of being an author. It would be great to be able to concentrate on only writing.

8. Who do you feel, has supported you most, in your writing?

My immediate family! I am the youngest of six kids. They are very supportive and excited to own copies of my books, and even purchase books to send to friends and relatives. I dedicated my latest novel to my parents. They are now battling that cruel disease called Alzheimer’s. One day I walked in and the caretaker said my mother had been reading the dedication page over and over again. It’s moments like these…

9. Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers?

I hope you enjoy my interpretation of the out-of-body experience, dying, and the process of coming back to life. Everybody wonders if there is an afterlife, and I take you there. Some of my readers, who have lost close relatives, really enjoy the thought of what it would be like to reconnect with them one more time. One reviewer stated, “Well written, with a tight plot and characters you can really relate to. This book will have you questioning your beliefs. Reincarnation and a near death experience are just part of this gripping story. It’s a romance that reaches out from the grave and grabs your heart. Love, devotion and friendship will make people do many things. I recommend this book to everyone.”

10. Where can we find out more about you and your books?

11. Tell us a little about your book.

A man has a car accident that kills his parents. He has an out-of body experience and meets a woman who claims to be his mother. She encourages him to search for his true identity, so he follows signs that lead him from Boston to Colorado.  He is captivated by an old house, but it’s the diaries, hypnosis, and past-life regression within that uncover his truth.

12. What were you attempting to convey in the artistry of your book cover?

I initially was thinking Paranormal for the book cover. Maybe a desert or an old white house, but my publisher’s cover designer convinced me that paranormal romance was the way to go because of the bigger audience. That’s the way we have marketed the book.

13. What inspired you to write your book?

The idea for this book came after reading the book, “Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation”, by Ian Stevenson. This book was about the spontaneous recall of previous lives by children. I was so fascinated by these children in third world countries recalling lives of people who had died, and who had lived an unreachable distance from these kids. Researchers would then follow the kid’s claims and travel to talk to the surviving members of the deceased’s family. The claims of the children exactly portrayed the deceased, sometimes including the language the y spoke, and with information that nobody other than the deceased would know. “Desert Son” evolved from this book.

14. Are the character profiles based on people you know or are they completely drawn from your imagination?

The characters in “Desert Son” are bits and pieces of people I know. How gruesome does that sound?

15. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

I had actually been in a near-fatal car accident when I was 16 years old, and I broke my neck, pelvis, shoulder, ribs, and hand, and suffered third degree burns. I was in and out of a coma for three days, and hospitalized for two months. I had a pretty good base for the intensity of the scenes I described. Did I have an out-of-body experience? No. Was I qualified for writing such a scene? I believe so. I spent the majority of my time in the hospital receiving treatment for my burns. They would lower my body into a boiling hot whirlpool, while I clenched the bars above me and screamed to high heaven…three times a day for several weeks. Maybe I didn’t go to heaven, but every time they dunked my body, I felt like I was very close. Believe me, I was ready to create these scenes.

16. Which part of the book, in your opinion, was the most difficult to write?

Third Person: Staying in the perspective of only the main character throughout the whole book.

17. What parts of the book do you love, in particular?

The out-of-body experience, Carter and Brenda’s deep conversation at the bar, and the past-life-regression hypnosis (favorite scene).

18. Tell us about the cover design of your book.

The cover is bright orange and shows a young couple holding each other in the desert. This is a paranormal romance with a sharp cover that pulls the eye in.

19. Which ways have you chosen to market your book?

Blog posts, and linking to Facebook and LinkedIn. Newpaper articles about the release and book signings. I try to get as many reviews as possible to increase exposure to blogger audiences.

20. If you had to do it all over again, is there anything you’d change?

I would have started the marketing efforts sooner through social media. I’m not an expert, by any means, but always learning as I go along.

21. Where can we find out more or buy the book?

22. Who are you?

Glenn Maynard is the author of the travel memoir, “Strapped into an American Dream” and the paranormal romance novel, “Desert Son.” He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Connecticut, and an Associate’s degree in Communications. He lives in Wethersfield, Connecticut and has a 14 year-old son named Andrew. As a travel correspondent for three newspapers while exploring the United States, Canada and Mexico during his one-year, 48-state journey through America, Glenn published a total of twenty newspaper articles. 

23. What are the titles of your books?

“Strapped Into An American Dream” and “Desert Son”

24. Who is your favourite author?

Stephen King

25. Worst book you have ever read?

The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy

26. What book are you reading now?

Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King. 

27. Your favourite quote about writing/authors:

“People want to know why I do this, why I write such gross stuff. I like to tell them I have the heart of a small boy... and I keep it in a jar on my desk.”  ~Stephen King~

28. Your biggest inspiration:

The thought of holding future books in my hands and reliving that excitement.

29. Something you can’t live without:


30. Your pet-hate:

Air quotes, and expressions that have no purpose, like “per se”, and “If you will.”

31. Your favourite place to be:

Dunes Beach in Westerly, RI.

32. Something you like/love about yourself?

My dry, quirky sense of humor.

33. Something you’d change about yourself?

My impatience, especially in traffic.

34. Your ideal life would be:

Writing books for a living.

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


[ The debate ] over what’s true and what’s false in literature (storytelling in general) is never ending, primarily due to the fact that all written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit, are based on some truth. Like that of a surreptitious military operation, the goal of argumentative writing is to tactically persuade your audience that your ideas are valid beyond the method by which you’ve chosen to relay your story. The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the means of persuasion, appeals, into three distinct categories—Ethos, Pathos, Logos—which we’ve all experienced throughout our lives even though we may not have had a clue as to this strategic tactic playing out before us.

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to

Monday, February 2, 2015


THE REVIEW: “Truly a powerful portrait of a young heroine (Khira) whose prompt mind, in contemplation of the golconda of her experiences abroad leads to a surreal journey back to the simplistic tradition of her African upbringing.” —A.K. Kuykendall 


Akinyi Princess of K'Orinda-Yimbo (pen name A P von K'Ory) was born on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kisumu, the capital city of Luoland, Kenya; at a very young age (when she was too small to say "sod off!" as she puts it), she was sent to private school in Yorkshire, England. She is a graduate journalist of the Nairobi and the London Schools of Journalism as well as an economics graduate of the London School of Economics.

She moved to Bavaria, Germany, where she studied Germanistics and Germanspecific economics. She has been writing as a freelance journalist since 1980, serving as a columnist with various dailies and monthly magazines in Africa and Europe. She gives lectures and seminars in various German universities, colleges and high schools on topics ranging from socio-economy in Africa, Business English, Intercultural Communication, African literature and the socio-ethnological conflicts in the traditions of Africans and Europeans in particular, and the West in general.

In 2012, she got her Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology and Geo-Politics from the Heidelberg University.

She was the CEO of her companies Eur-AfrAsia Association for Quality Management & Intercultural Communications Training, and PAKY Investment Holdings Ltd. She gave up both posts in order to devote her time to her passion: writing. She is now only Chairman on the Board of Directors. She has written and published articles, papers, and a novel in German: Khiras Traum, translated from her first book, Bound to Tradition: The Dream. The series include Bound to Tradition: The Initiation and Bound to Tradition: The Separation. Her other recent books are Secret Shades Book 1: Aroused; Secret Shades Book 2: Revealed.. Her nonfiction book Darkest Europe and Africa's Nightmare: A crtical Observation of Neighboring Continents was published in 2008 by a New York publisher.

In 2010 her short story, The Proposal, won the Cook Communications first prize. In 2012 she won the Karl Ziegler Prize for her commitment to bring African culture to the Western society in various papers, theses and lectures. In 2012 her book was nominated for the 2012 Caine Prize, and in 2013 she was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers Prize. In addition she won the Achievers Award for African Writer of  The Year 2013 in the Netherlands.

In 2014 she started the publishing company, AuthorMePro Press, as part of the Cook Communications Author-me Group, to assist aspiring writers - especially from the developing world - to get published. She speaks seven languages, is married to a German politician of aristocratic descent, has a son, two grandsons, and lives in Bavaria. The family also has homes in France, Cyprus and Greece.


1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I was born in Luoland, Kenya to the royal house of K’Orinda and Yimbo-Kadimo. I went to school in Yorkshire from age nine, and studied Economics, Literature and Journalism in London; then Germanistics and German-specific Economics in Germany. Finally, I studied socio-economics and philosophy and now have an additional PhD in sociology and geo-politics.

I’m the winner of six writing awards from four continents, the last one being the Achievers Award for African Writer Of The Year 2013 in the Netherlands with my trilogy BOUND TO TRADITION.

I have five doctorates to date, since I regard knowledge as a lifelong quest of learning something new. In between all that, I run several companies coaching intercultural communication, quality management & sustainability, Business English and AuthrorMePro Press. I now live in Germany, France, Cyprus and Greece with my German husband, son and two grandsons. 

2. At what point in your life, did you decide you wanted to be a writer?

The exact time is hard for me to nail down. From the age of three or four, I enjoyed the stories read to me and once I could read, I always changed some endings or beginnings of the fairy tales to fit my taste. I guess that’s when the writer in me kicked in – around age four to five.

3. What are your most memorable or proudest moments in your writing career?

Definitely the day I met my German publisher’s editor to sign the contract for the first book of BOUND TO TRADITION. Yes, the first buyer of BOUND TO TRADITION was a German publisher who then had the book translated and titled KHIRAS TRAUM! Khira’s Dream.

4. Where would you like to see yourself in five years’ time?

I sincerely hope not where James Patterson is, manufacturing books in some mass production outlet. However, I do envy him his success. I wouldn’t mind some of that myself.

5. What advice do you wish you’d been given before starting your career in writing?

Well, since I always did things my way anyway – remember that fairy tale changer child? – I really can’t think of one.

6. Tell us about the books you’ve written so far, and your plans for any future books?

Now that’s a good one, A.K. My passion revolves around my people, their culture and my continent as a whole, even if I grew up in Great Britain. Nearly every book I’ve written has a bit of Kenya and Luoland in it. But having grown up and been educated in Europe, I can’t help but pitch both continents in me - Africa and Europe/the West  - together. I pick on their values and beliefs, their negatives and positives. All my romance novels have elements of the interracial and intercultural. All my non-fiction deal with the humanities, socio-economics and geo-politics of Africa and the West, although I also touch on the general North-South factors.

In the trilogy BOUND TO TRADITION, which the Elite Professionals Magazine compared to A Many Splendoured Thing and labelled “a cultural study”, Khira and Erik are poles apart: in age difference, cultures, social status, ethnicity, ideology and philosophy of life. But in the end it is precisely their differences that draws them closer together. Khira is fascinated by the wealthy industrialist Swede Erik, who is 24 years older than her. His “strange” looks (blond, blue eyes and “scorched-skinned”), his lifestyle, his values and cultural mores, some of which outright shock or repulse her – but still remain fascinating because she expects something else, especially from him as a “civilized European”. Her people call Erik “the uncultured one” because to them he’s too direct and therefore lacking of social delicacy and tactfulness. Although Erik, to begin with, only wants to adopt the orphaned Khira, she overwhelms him with her nature. Consider his thoughts below on the first time he invited Khira for lunch. She is sixteen:

Erick watched her as she ate and talked. There was the little lady who had been tutored by some prim and proper English old maid in deportment, etiquette and what have you. Then there was the African jungle side of her that had a savage nobility, an untainted edge, an unaffected grace and inborn dignity, an intensely reverent pride even in the way she said: Great ancestors. Coupled with her veiled, mysterious sexuality, she was an overwhelming enigma. She displayed her joy and happiness with child-like abandon but when she spoke of her family, she spoke with poise and the wisdom of a septuagenarian.

In my SECRET SHADES books, Anglo-Cypriot Helena struggles with a heritage that cripples her and traumatizes her emotional relationships. Until she meets Ramón, a Catalan from Costa Brava, Spain, who loves her and coaxes her to confront her fears and overcome them. To do that, they have to travel to Kenya in the quest to find her mother in a Benedictine convent. In Kenya, they encounter political intrigues, the danger of the Kenyan wildlife safaris, assassination attempts and the wild, untamed beauty of the continent and its people.

At the moment I’m working on my DAR DESIRES books. These are full books (120+K words) literary erotic romance, the first of which, DARK DESIRES: OBSESSION, is coming out at the end of October 2014. The second book DARK DESIRES: AFLAME will come out in spring 2015. Of course, the DARK DESIRES books are multi-layered, intercultural and set around the globe, from Hamburg to Shanghai, Montreux to New York, London to Nairobi and all the other places in between. I’m a global citizen and have travelled a lot around the planet, thanks to my upbringing. I’m also working on another no-fiction regarding globalization and causes of the shameful hunger in the world, when we actually produce enough food to feed twice the world population at the moment.

7. Is there any part of your career, you find particularly challenging?

Actually, yes. It is particularly challenging to me to find a publisher/agent interested in my stories because the stories are not exactly mainstream commercial writing. They’re literary, geared towards a certain readership, especially those people interested in other cultures. Being literary works, they win me awards, but they don’t sell by the boatloads in this day and age.

8. Who do you feel, has supported you most, in your writing?

Most? Definitely my husband and immediate family. There are others like Kenneth Mulholland (Australia) and Betsi Newbury (Arizona) without whom I’d be hopeless. They advise me and edit my works.

9. Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers?

Tons. But I’ll restrict it to thanking them from the heart for reading my books, especially my editors Betsi Newbury and Kenneth Mulholland, who are always my first readers. I also thank my readers for all the feedback I get from them and encourage them to continue interacting with me. Their praises and critiques help me become a better writer for them and for any new readers.

10. Where can we find out more about you and your books?

My books are on Amazon and Kindle worldwide, my websites and Goodreads.

11. Tell us a little about your book.

Okay: I’ve mention something about both the award-winning BOUND TO TRADITION trilogy and the SECRET SHADES books. So let’s say something about my DARK DESIRES: OBSESSION (130K word) that’s coming out at the end of October.

As I mentioned above it is an erotic romance. But it is literary and a far cry from the norm. I’m one of those women who, without condemning others who prefer the hard-core BDSM lifestyle, don’t believe in the popular idea of female submission. I don’t want my heroine falling flat on her backside just at the first sight of the hero, I don’t want her subservient, stripped naked and on her knees on the floor waiting for the hero to come home to find her like that because that’s what turns him on. I don’t want my heroine revelling in the pains inflicted on her if those pains are the kind that still sting under the shower days later and make it uncomfortable for her to sit down. I think that sort of erotica might be sending out (unintentionally) the wrong signals to young adults of both sexes, about what to expect/receive/demand from a partner in order to be loved or to show you’re love by them. I prefer the subtle BDSM peppered with psychological games rather than physical “punishment”. My long blurb:

Roman is cultured, go-to-hell handsome, wealthier than is good for anybody and nasty with it. He has strong principles:

He loves his parents, especially his mother; he is the supreme commander-in-chief of his highly successful global businesses, which he built himself from the ground up; while he loves the fact that he is “what I am”, he adamantly refuses to be referred to as damaged; and he treats his "reigning queen" exactly like a queen, draping her in priceless gowns, jewels, and all the other accoutrements in exchange for her complete loyalty and sexual devotion. In the bedroom, he's a nice-nasty Taipan and only his rules count - but top among the rules is complete satisfaction of the woman. He never takes whips, floggers, chains and the like to his woman as he believes strongly in “pleasure, not pain” for both partners, and he has many varied and effective ways of extracting and dispensing pleasure. He never stays around for long – half a year would be tops in his books.

Then Roman meets the Eve that will bring his Dominant Adam teetering on the brinks of insanity... or maybe not quite…

What were you attempting to convey in the artistry of your book cover?

In BOUND TO TRADITION, there’s the theme of the Planet Earth with all its elements, best emphasized by the moon. The moon rises, gets to the zenith and dips back in the horizon. What I wanted to convey was a sense of togetherness as earthlings in this beautiful planet of ours. I still love the BOUND TO TRADITIONS covers most.

13. What inspired you to write your book?

My quest to show that we are all unique with whatever we’re made of. Nature has its order in variety and never makes a careless mistake. It would be a boring world with only one ethnicity – like having only red roses and no other colours of the flower. I suppose a lot is also autobiographical, inspired by my own life.

14. Are the character profiles based on people you know or are they completely drawn from your imagination?

(Tongue-in-cheek) See 13 above. I think it’s about fifty-fifty. Often I invent a character and give him attributes of someone I know or saw somewhere. I guess I’m still that little girl, still rearranging my fairy tale in the order I prefer them to be.

15. Which part of the book, in your opinion, was the most difficult to write?

The killing of my darlings, of course. I actually cry while writing that, and cry again each time I’m revising and re-revising. But in BOUND TO TRADITION: THE DREAM, the first book, the hardest parts were those where I had to write the dialogue between Erik and Khira’s Grandfather Solomon. The Luos, like most Africans, talk in a roundabout way, not directly. The language is flowery and the real point being made is hidden in the winding dialogue. Erik, as a European, speaks his mind directly, a fact considered extremely rude and barbaric in Luoland and most African societies. Direct speakers are time-conscious. Rural Africans have all the time in the world and will spend five minutes or more just to say hello.

16. What parts of the book do you love, in particular?

I loved the scene where Khira visits a gynaecologist for the first time, in Sweden. Again, this scene gave me the opportunity to crystalize the two negating ideologies and philosophy of life.

17. Which ways have you chosen to market your book?

Like most writers, I’m not only poor at marketing, I also hate it. I do my best with Facebook, Twitter and posting in groups, especially my groups in LinkedIn. When I win an award I send out press releases. But living in German reduces the interest in these, since I’m not “local”. Otherwise I do guest blogs and interviews, giveaways and solicit for reviews. The last, I’ve learnt, is not easy. My best chances of getting reviews are within literary book clubs and special groups with interest in African culture & literature. I often do readings and book signings to special women’s groups, students of sociology and such special interest groups.

18. If you had to do it all over again, is there anything you’d change?

I don’t think there’s anything I’d change, really. But there’s something I do regret and would gladly reverse – keep my former publisher. I’ve since gone through a few publishers, one particular one in New York, who published my first non-fiction. The publisher turned out to be a right royal cutthroat. When I signed the contract with them (without an agent) I missed the tiny little BIG words “in perpetuity”. And so now they own my work and leave me out in the cold.

19. Where can we find out more or buy the book?

All my books are listed on, UK, India, Japan, Canada, Australia, Mexico and China. Readers can also order directly from me, especially those who want their books signed, at my websites and

20. Who is your favourite author?

I have several, actually, because I have different favourite authors in different genres. My top faves would be Marian Keyes for chic lit, John Le Carré, Ian Rankin, Harlan Corben, Lee Child, and Minette Walters.

21. Worst book you have ever read?

Fifty Shades of Grey.

22. What book are you reading now?

As I’m in the habit of reading more than one book at a time, I’m now reading Personal by Lee Child, Im Tal des Fuches by Charlotte Link (my favourite German authoress), and L’Empire de la honte by Jean Ziegler. I speak seven languages so I often read in most of them, although English is my native language.

23. Your favourite quote about writing/authors:

“If first-time authors were never published, the world wouldn't have any authors at all. It's a misconception that getting published requires having already been published.”

24. Your biggest inspiration:

The human condition.

25. Something you can’t live without:

My husband Erich Harald.

26. Your pet-hate:

When I ask Erich Harald something about football but he’s too concentrated on the game to answer me. Like I’m thin air.

27. Your favourite place to be:

Our place in the Peloponnese, Greece, perched above the sea and the mountains on the other side of the Finikounda Bay.

28. Something you like/love about yourself?

Having been born a woman.

29. Something you’d change about yourself?

My impatience.

30. Your ideal life would be:

To permanently live and write in my favourite home, in Greece.

Finally thank you so very much for giving me this opportunity, A.K. And another big thank you to you, dear reader, for reading this. I hope we meet again in my books.

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to