Warnock Hinckley, Jr. (born May 29, 1955), attempted to assassinate
U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C., on March 30, 1981, as the
culmination of an effort to impress actress Jodie Foster. That
is, however, the state sponsored explanation we've been conditioned to believe
my friends. Reported to have been driven by a love obsessional
fixation on her, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity, and has
remained under institutional psychiatric care since then.
Far from the scrutiny of the American people, due to the media's utter uselessness, he has gained
progressively longer visits to the home of his parents. Public outcry over the
verdict led to the Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984, which altered the rules
for consideration of mental illness of defendants in federal criminal court
proceedings in the United States. It is wholly unfathomable to think that a
United States president's would-be assassin would even be considered for unsupervised leave; let alone, an outright release, yeah?
First published in 2008, The Evolution of the Patron Saint, book #1 in the Conspirator's Odyssey series sold extremely well, but the
conspiratorial aspects—the many controversial theories I put forth didn't
attract much attention beyond the tagline:
The 1947 Roswell UFO incident sparked the rise of the military industrial complex and led to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy . . .
Back by
popular demand, the novel was republished by IntoPrint Publishers
in 2013 as seen below with the crisp new cover image. I've taken the
liberty of providing an excerpt from The Evolution of the Patron Saint
as it relates to John Hinckley, what his release may be signaling, and the potential danger posed to both President Barack Hussein Obama and recent presidential candidate Hilary Rodham Clinton.
Mark Twain may have been writing about this very
project of mine when he wrote that truth is stranger than fiction, because “fiction
is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn’t.”

. . . I know this was before you were born, but listen up. In 1947 our
organization activated phase two of Project Aneman after an unbelievable
discovery in Roswell, New Mexico—extraterrestrial life and technology. During
the study of these beings and their metabolism, geneticists isolated an unusual
strand of DNA that proved to have miraculous properties. With these properties,
our scientists strongly felt we could eventually create what every military in
the world wants: a super soldier.
Sun Tzu states in The Art of War, ‘All warfare is based on the art of
deception.’ Project Aneman was developed with this philosophy in mind. Though
it took more time than we expected to reach this point in the project, this
operation was forged primarily to seal America’s superpower status long before
the turn of the twentieth century. Vietnam was the only war in which the beta
version of the serum was tested. In November 1962, because Kennedy was
considering withdrawing our troops from Vietnam, we negotiated with Johnson,
giving him fundamental information about Project Aneman and our plans. It
wasn’t too difficult to bring him aboard—he had a beef of his own with Kennedy.
He felt the man’s liberal politics were ruining the country, taking us backwards.
Like many others, Johnson thought this Irish goody-goody, Ivy League,
wet-behind-the-ears kid wasn’t worth the shoes he was wearing.”
raised her hand to ask a question, but Walker ignored her.
Aneman happened to be the perfect sharpened sword to cut the head off that
fucking Oval Office gigolo. Johnson wanted the presidency, and he’d have done
damn near anything to get it. We, on the other hand, didn’t give a good goddamn
about Johnson’s motivations. He was just our puppet. We wanted to test our
serum on a massive level, and we knew he would honor his part in the agreement,
pushing forward the assault on Vietnam. Johnson hoped to strengthen his
political ties and his legacy with an unquestionable victory in Vietnam, and we
expected much more out of the serum.”
lit another cigarette and tossed the empty pack away. “Unfortunately, our test
failed. We ended up killing more Americans than we planned—our scientists had
developed some new form of bottled insanity that slowly overcame every one of
the American soldiers we injected in the field. This serum created psychopathic
madmen, most incapable of combat, making them prime targets for capture.
course, we wrote those casualties off, as we always do, as collateral damage.
Johnson was responsible to clean it all up. Hell, this asshole consciously made
a deal with the devil, so what did he expect?” At this, Walker laughed—a
high-pitched, humorless sound.
“This new form of bottled insanity was known as
J-XXX-0602, or JAXX. It was far from what we expected, but proved useful in
many operations after the fact—one being Ronald Reagan and his would-be
assassin, John W. Hinckley Jr. Our objective in that scenario was to upgrade
yet another vice president—this time, George H.W. Bush, Senior. Instead of an
assassination, which would put too much heat on Bush, our objective was to
drive Reagan mad. Using the JAXX serum, we meant to drive him insane to the
point where the nation would clearly see their president was off his fucking
rocker. After witnessing this, we hoped America would accept Vice President
Bush as their president, despite his questionable background.
we injected JAXX into John W. Hinckley’s system and over time got him to
believe Ronald Reagan was literally the antichrist.” Walker smugly laughed
under his breath. “Just for kicks, I convinced Hinckley that Jodi Foster was in
love with him. The shot was actually made by our black ops agents—Hinckley’s
dumb ass couldn’t shoot a bowling ball off a stick if it was five feet in front
of him—and the bullet that hit President Reagan in the chest was laced with a
small amount of JAXX. Black ops fled the scene, leaving Hinckley behind to take
the fall. He had a field day shooting around like a madman! The dose of the
serum we laced the bullet with did take effect, but it proved too weak to
completely overcome Reagan during his presidency. However, that serum
definitely worked some wicked magic on his body and mind.”
grinned. “Hinckley’s part in our ongoing affairs is still useful to us. Ladies
and gentlemen, since February ‘99 we’ve had an ongoing mission in play. We
injected Hinckley with the experimental 10-558-GI serum, which stabilized his
mental state so we could get him released from the mental institution on
unsupervised family visits. We still need Hinckley for another mission of
extreme importance. He’ll be used to stop one of the two likely 2008 Democratic
presidential candidates—Hilary Rodham Clinton or Barack Hussein
Obama.” He winked at Debra Hilton, who blushed. “Of course, I’m not
at liberty to discuss the details of that mission, but from what I’ve told you,
I’m sure you can imagine the rest . . . ”
Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to