Friday, September 12, 2014


Many Americans do not believe a real war took place in Vietnam, no matter the body count. The Vietnam Conflict was nothing but a grand science experiment - one that failed miserably.

As he entered his last days in office, President Dwight David Eisenhower needed to get something off his chest. That something was, and still is, of utmost importance. Eisenhower knew that for generations upon generations after his own death, the development of Project Aneman - a governmental experiment aimed at creating a superhuman armed force - would affect the whole of America and the world.

It is safe to say the United States government will never disclose the truth about many incidents, such as the infamous 1947 Roswell UFO crash, because the truth would open a hidden door. Behind this door lies a world of unsanctioned, government-funded science. Supposedly for the sake of strengthening our national security, this world of mad science received a green light long ago. Genetic and nuclear scientists, some of whom are certifiably insane, are free to do whatever they must do in order to produce results. These scientists experiment in advanced nuclear arms, chemical warfare, genetic and synthetic robotics, DNA manipulation, and cloning, just to name a few areas.

To aid in their inhumane practices, scientists have routinely ordered the abduction of human beings for the purpose of experimentation. Everyday citizens are randomly abducted by the thousands and cut up like lab rats. Given the nature of their work, many of these scientists are conditioned to fear for their lives, the lives of their families, and the lives of everyone they've ever known.

Incidentally, the experiments are still conducted to this day. Many deal primarily with drastic human evolution. The experiments are so broad that scientists even tamper with our daily food sources, from conception to grocers' shelves. This is the result of the unholy alliance between the FDA and the multi-billion dollar drug companies, which wish only to please their shareholders and to profit at any cost. Illness on a massive scale is no obstacle.

But there's something even scarier. Drug companies are also in league with corrupt, high-ranking government officials throughout the political arena. New medications are tested in this realm. They are taken out of the labs - after all, animal testing only tells scientists so much - and are introduced directly to the American public.

In the process of experimentation, new FDA-approved drugs hit the market and are followed by massive advertising campaigns. Americans, believing in the endorsements of the FDA and lured by the hype circling the new wonder drugs, subsequently become lab rats. In less than a year's time, these same drugs leave a trail of dead bodies, cancer patients, suicides, and more.

I don't hesitate in mentioning one drug in particular, which many of us have come to know and loathe: Lariam. In Operation Iraqi Freedom, this drug is currently in use by the U.S. Army as a supposed anti-malaria drug. Rumor has it this drug has triggered suicides in overseas soldiers. Last year, the FDA ordered that all patients taking the drug receive a written warning stating the side effects of Lariam. These include aggression, paranoia, delusions, depression and psychosis. The drug can also "rarely cause serious mental problems in some patients. Some patients taking Lariam think about killing themselves, and there have been rare reports of suicides."

The warning goes on to state, "It is not known whether Lariam was responsible for these suicides."

America, I don't know about you, but this sounds like a clear contradiction to me. It didn't shock me at all to discover the military is ignoring the known side effects of Lariam. It is the grand science experiment all over again, people. It is the very same experiment that took place during the Vietnam Conflict, however subtle.

Hell, in some of these cases, the government boldly lies to family members, and officials act as though they're stupefied by the high suicide and depression rates. The experiment is alive and well, and our troops are just lambs for the slaughter.

Eisenhower witnessed the extraterrestrial bodies that were recovered after the Roswell incident. Like other Presidents over the years, he was aware of Project Aneman, and he was dead-set against its further development. The development he so vehemently opposed eventually led America into its role in the grand science experiment, which has immorally placed the American soldier in a test tube.

Project Aneman was the primary reason America set out to invade Vietnam. President Eisenhower's authority meant nothing to the powers that truly rule America. His hands were tied when it came to telling the American public about the UFO phenomenon. However, in his final days as Commander in Chief, he chose to covertly warn us about this massive plot. He specifically instructed the American public to "beware the military-industrial complex."

That, my friends, was a clear warning. Do not ignore the probabilities and possibilities. Choose your pill wisely. America, we are not the only country possessing extraterrestrial DNA and technology. As America has secretly explored the mysteries of what fell from the heavens, other countries have done the same. Unbeknownst to anyone, we've all been embroiled in the midst of a worldwide race. Now our universal brethren have set their plan into overdrive by allowing mankind to do what comes naturally: destroy itself.

Always careful not to appear too obvious, they've cloaked their plan behind scattered crop circles, UFO sightings, and most importantly, their keen knowledge of humanity's drive for absolutism. The crash in Roswell, NM was our delivery. If it had never taken place, the powers manning the populace of this planet would have never experimented with the genetics of those beings that fell from the heavens. They would not now be eating away the fragile essence of the human race with something as simple as a syringe and a lack of a moral compass.

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to


  1. That's the way it is Bro, It gets worse......

  2. That was "the military/industrial complex". Not, the military's industrial complex.

  3. I presently have a completed novel dealing with the above, that my editor is ploughing through. However, like all of these types of stories, it is relegated to science fiction as opposed to crime fiction, simply because of the mention of extraterrestrials, within the political conspiracy, despite taking a more current factual time frame. Because of the delineation as science fiction, fewer mainstream readers will pick it up, despite it's political assassination and intrigue.

    1. The debate over what’s true and what’s false in literature is never ending, primarily due to the fact that all written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit is based on some truth. Like that of a surreptitious military operation, the goal of argumentative writing is to tactically persuade your audience that your ideas are valid beyond the method by which you’ve chosen to relay your story. The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the means of persuasion, appeals, into three distinct categories—Ethos, Pathos, Logos.

      Words I liken to keys, which unlock the incomprehensible doors of the matrix we were conceived. However, it is a choice the individual must make to read, to absorb, to beware, and to prepare. Don’t be misled and/or hindered by the industrial captions that arbitrarily label author’s work, i.e. fiction, non-fiction, etc. These labels are presented to authors and their readers by the publishing conglomerate as a means of categorizing, marketing, and covertly trivializing their contracted mules. They, in fact, have always been the sluice by which our agenda thrives.

      Throughout time many creative minds have meticulously used the superlative dominance of literature to slowly awaken the masses to the covert doings of individuals of this world and beyond. It’s an art form stronger than you may think; for one cannot save a world nestled in a box, strategically dormant to the realities of their existence. By exposing the masses to narratives once thought to have been pulled from midair was actually meant to help soften the blow felt when the world’s dirty laundry could no longer be contained.
