Saturday, September 13, 2014


There is most certainly an issue some men AND women have with touching, grabbing, spitting, scratching, pinching, biting, punching, et alia those whom each claim to love. The story is older than one can fathom!

When women psychologically, sexually, financially, physically, etc. moved into the space men, since the dawn of mankind, have held like a menacing virus upon the female gender; it was the laws giving voice to underrepresented women and their unrecognized plight that ignited the urge in women to do unto men what men did and continue to do unto them in an unrelenting stream of violence no one ever deserves. And though some women have taken on this male persona, others simply cherish the fact that laws (as was the case for countless generations) no longer prevent them from realizing their unalienable right to fight back.

Beyond the NFL and their initial motives, which is steeped wholly in a corporate mind frame that can’t see anything beyond any given profit and loss statement; it is quite disturbing to watch the imagery captured in the TMZ Sports video where an obvious heated argument between Baltimore Ravens running back Raymell Mourice "Ray" Rice and his wife Janay Palmer led to Raymell Mourice "Ray" Rice punching and knocking out in an extraordinary display of unfiltered fury his then fiancĂ©e.

Minoring in psychology through my years in college led me to conclude that there are quite a few surface level reasons that may have contributed to this most mine numbing event; to put it mildly. These have to do with Mr. Rice’s upbringing, a questionable sexuality, and/or a probable psychosis (a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality) brought about by his trek to become an NFL football player.

All quite speculative, I know, but it is my hypothesis, which is a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation that some may want to explore.

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to


My boss told me to "dress for the job you want, not for the job you have." It was the end to the most powerful motivational speech I had ever heard. Now, and looking like a damn fool, I'm sitting in a disciplinary meeting wearing my Superman costume [...] Bang, zoom! Har har, hardee har har! Hamana-hamana-hamana-hamana...

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to


THE REVIEW: “So frightening of a read that I chose to store the book in my attic and under a case of crucifixes rather than place it upon my bookshelf.” —A.K. Kuykendall


Michael Mulvihill was born in Dublin, Ireland. He has published two horror novels, Siberian Hellhole and Diaboli of Dublin. He is working on his third horror novel.


1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am an Irish author who has written two horror novels Diabolis of Dublin and Siberian Hellhole. Siberian Hellhole is an example of intelligent, apocalyptic, demon/vampire horror and Diabolis of Dublin is an example of a traditional vampire horror. I am now writing a third novel.

2. At what point in your life, did you decide you wanted to be a writer?

From the age of 15 I had this great desire to write and tell stories. It has not left me since.

3. What are your most memorable or proudest moments in your writing career?

Getting positive reviews from The Blog of Horror, UK Horror Scene, Fifth Dimension Blog, Matt Gunderson of The Boston Globe, Black Petals, and Horror Punks. This was a great honor for me.

4. Where would you like to see yourself in five years’ time?

I would love to see more novels written and to have a broader readership.

5. What advice do you wish you’d been given before starting your career in writing?

To not take personal criticism and to listen.

6. Tell us about the books you’ve written so far, and your plans for any future books?

I wrote a Russian Horror novel “Siberian Hellhole” about the main character, Tobias, who fears he is experiencing the onset of Cabin Fever. Little does he know his hut is situated underneath an underground portal to hell, with demons determined to wreak havoc on the inhabitants of his village. Diabolis of Dublin is my second novel, which is a traditional vampire horror concerning a vampire (Lucis Diabolis) who has fallen sick having exsanguinated the blood of inner city junkies. The next day whilst walking around the cemetery of Dublins Mount Jerome he decides that the cure for his infection lies in the consumption of noble blood. But how is he to get his hands on such blood?

7. Is there any part of your career, you find particularly challenging?

I find the marketing of my novels so tough. I also find getting a traditional publisher difficult. But I should be so optimistic because of the internet and because of publishers like

8. Who do you feel, has supported you most, in your writing?

My father! He has been like a rock. Also my mother, wife, and best friend Cormac Daily whose I see as somewhat of a muse.

9. Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers?

If you like traditional vampires, look no further than my novel, Diabolis of Dublin. If you like intelligent literary, apocalyptic, vampire horror then read, Siberian Hellhole.

10. Where can we find out more about you and your books?

Just google Diabolis of Dublin and Siberian Hellhole they will come up.

11. Tell us a little about your book.

Siberian Hellhole is a story based around an audio from Siberian Miners that claimed they heard what they called real sounds from Hell. The audio can be found on YouTube. I found the story inspiring and frightening enough and it inspired my novel, Siberian Hellhole.

12. Why did you choose to change your book cover?

I did not believe the original book cover did my novel true justice but the second cover shows exactly what the book is about. Siberian Hellhole is about demons, vampires, zombies and cannibals attacking a village in Siberia. This is what the second cover shows.

13. What inspired you to write your book?

I wanted to write about psychosis, vampires, demons, the Devil, witches from antiquity, loneliness, isolation, depression, cabin fever, cults, the apocalypse, how people have become so selfish, communism, perestroika, and Glasnost. Siberian Hellhole was a venue for my desires to be realized.

14. Are the character profiles based on people you know or are they completely drawn from your imagination?

No! The work is a piece of fiction

15. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

No! My work is purely fictional.

16. Which part of the book, in your opinion, was the most difficult to write?

Well the book is somewhat a meditation on isolation and loneliness. This is always hard to write. It can make you also feel lonely.

17. What parts of the book do you love, in particular?

The opening chapter where I describe the desolation of Siberia and I talk about the intense loneliness of the hut that Tobias is living in. I bring, in this chapter, the reader to the brink of psychosis as I describe fear, paranoia, and cabin fever. It really was a great chapter to write.

18. Tell us about the cover design of your book.

Tomi Kerminen of Finland created this stunning cover where you see a demon gaping out of a hole. This captures the meaning of the story behind Siberian Hellhole.

19. Which ways have you chosen to market your book?

Through Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, etc.

20. If you had to do it all over again, is there anything you’d change?

I would worry less and relax more.

21. Where can we find out more or buy the book?

You can find them on

22. Who are you?

I am an author of an apocalyptic horror and a vampire novel from Dublin, Ireland.

23. What are the titles of your books?

“Siberian Hellhole” and “Diabolis of Dublin”

24. Who is your favourite author?

Fyodor Doestoevsky

25. Worst book you have ever read?

Emma by Jane Austen

26. What book are you reading now?

Dead Souls by Gogol

27. Your favourite quote about writing/authors:

“All writing is rewriting” —John Green

28. Your biggest inspiration:

Sigmund Freud

29. Something you can’t live without:


30. Your pet-hate:


31. Your favourite place to be:

Zestafoni, West Republic of Georgia

32. Something you like/love about yourself?

I like the fact that I have this great desire to be a writer and to work at being a writer. This desire to work hard as a writer has been with me since I was 15.

33. Something you’d change about yourself?

I would love to be even harder working than I am at present. I am always looking to develop my writing.

34. Your ideal life would be:

I would be delighted if I could gain a wide readership for my writing because I adore writing fiction. This is my life and I am certain my writing merits a broad readership.

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to


There is an ongoing agenda to spark another civil war, this time, in the "United States of America" so that those who've heavily invested in arms (primarily confederate sympathizing southerners), that are more ready for a civilian engagement than any other demographic, can use those arms not only on the race of people they're currently targeting only because of their bewilderment that a majority of the U.S. citizenry would see fit to elect (twice) an African American to the office of the President, but on the nation itself.

A pattern is becoming more and more clear and Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Renisha McBride, Jordan Davis, Oscar Grant, Victor Steen, Aaron Campbell, Timothy Stansbury, Jonathan Ferrell, Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo, and Eric Garner's lives may have been used as mere triggers to ignite a revolution.

The core aim is to spark a civil catastrophe (much like the one in Ferguson Missouri) through we the people of African descent in order to strategically coax the Commander in Chief into issuing a militaristic federal response. I believe what's going on here is akin to a poison pill inserted into a contract, which reads:

"Keep us in power or else we will spark a revolution and begin anew . . . "

And though my belief is that both the Democrats and Republicans are essentially a two party dictatorship fighting like hell amongst themselves to man over the masses of American society; it is the Republican's (a party that came to power in 1801) who have never been out of power as they are now. And from the looks of it, they will continue to be powerless for quite some time to come if not forever given the turmoil they continue to fuel within these United States. For many of these confederate sympathizing southerners, a revolution is the only recourse.

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to


I would contest that the second challenging part of creating an online persona is simply getting started; creating an image that is not only professional, but that seamlessly correlates to the particular brand you’re attempting market. However, the most challenging part of creating an online persona, by far, is doing it yourself without the skill and expertise of a trained and qualified managing agent and/or publicity firm to back your untested efforts as we, more often than not, are incapable of realizing that this persona is a key part of a business model.

In contemplating the aforementioned and given the many author interviews I've been asked to take part in, I often reflect on the many incidences where I've wanted to honestly answer an interviewers question. So, without further delay, here is part two of a series I call "Q" and what I didn't s"A"y:

Q: So Mr. Kuykendall, your career is in full swing. In 2013 you signed with the Donald Maass Literary Agency and by February 2014 you had a lucrative 4-book deal for the publication of four more books in the Conspirator’s Odyssey series. My audience and I are extremely curious of how you’ve managed to get to this unbelievable point, given how hard it is for writer’s to go beyond the strategically cloaked glass ceiling of the literary industry?

A: Well, dearie, I made a deal with Rumpelstiltskin, you see, and in a snap he made my day. Now I write, write, write away. Unfortunately for him the deal can’t be because my doctor performed a snip, snip on me before the deal came to be. He simply can’t have my next baby.

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to


THE REVIEW: “Bound by Blood is an amazingly clever novel with depth, drama, warmth, and one helluva bite.” —A.K. Kuykendall


Shane KP O’Neill is the writer of The Dracula Chronicles, a new and exciting series adding a fresh dimension to the Dracula legend, which combines the real historical Vlad Dracula with a new and different version of Dracula the vampire. He has released the series in two arcs, one that follows Dracula the man and the other following Dracula the vampire.

The author developed a fascination with Dracula from an early age. Like many others he was enthralled by Christopher Lee's portrayal of him on the big screen. It was in his late teens that he discovered Dracula the man and the love affair began from there. An avid lover of history, he studied the period in which the real historical Vlad Dracula lived, 15th Century Balkan, for many years. It followed from there then that with his love of writing he would always choose Dracula as his subject. He built a concept and premise where he could accommodate both Dracula the vampire and Dracula the man.

Away from writing, the author has a wide range of interests. He reads a lot of books from a wide variety of authors, though his main interest lies in the horror genre. His love of books is matched only by his love of the countryside and of course, his family. As an added note, he has lived and travelled all over the world. He has a love for all things historical, with a particular fascination for medieval Europe. Anywhere he travels, he likes to search out locations with an historical interest and will always hunt for the ruins of an old castle before heading to the beach.


1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Shane O’Neill. I’m an Irishman living in Norway, where I have been now for the last five years. My great passion for over twenty years has been my project, The Dracula Chronicles. I devote the majority of my time to that, and to my family.

2. What led you to seek the endorsement of author A.K. Kuykendall and what did you think of the foreword he wrote on your behalf?

Mr Kuykendall wrote me a glowing review for the original editions of my two Bound By Blood books. At the end of his appraisal, he promised me a foreword should I ever want one. Once I had completed the new edition of the first Bound By Blood volume, I approached him about it.

3. At what point in your life, did you decide you wanted to be a writer?

All writers are born writers, I believe. It is a question that we all seem to answer the same way, i.e. “For as long as I can remember.” I think the passion, and flair, for writing is either in you or it isn’t.

4. What are your most memorable or proudest moments in your writing career?

I would probably say the first time I held one of my own paperbacks in my hand. It was a very satisfying feeling.

5. Where would you like to see yourself in five years’ time?

Sat beside David Benioff at the premier of HBO’s blockbuster production of Shane KP O’Neill’s The Dracula Chronicles.

6. What advice do you wish you’d been given before starting your career in writing?

I was given it by Tim Holman, the Editorial Director of Publishing at Orbit, all the way back in 2006. He told me to ensure my work was as good as it could possibly be before submitting it to him. Needless to say, it wasn’t, and I never heard from him again.

7. Tell us about the books you’ve written so far, and your plans for any future books?

My series is The Dracula Chronicles. It is a huge concept centred on the story of Creation and the first great divide in Heaven. I set my premise in the 15th Century Balkans around the life of the real historical Vlad Dracula. My focus, at the moment, is on the first ten books of the series, which I am releasing in two arcs. The first arc of five books involves the real historical Dracula and Lucifer’s manipulation of him. In it, I re-create his world in its entirety. The second arc of five books follows Dracula as a vampire, as created by Lucifer, and his journey through the 16th and 17th Centuries to destroy the institution of the Catholic Church.

More arcs will follow on from these ten volumes, moving through history and bringing us to the present day.

I also have a series of horror shorts entitled Tales Of The Black Sabbath. So far, I have only released one of these.

8. Is there any part of your career, you find particularly challenging?

As a writer, you face different challenges at different times. In the beginning, it is to put the story that exists in your mind, to paper. And then you must re-write and polish it over and over until it is of an acceptable standard. That wasn’t so much a problem for me, nor the thousands of hours of research to make my creation totally plausible and beyond reproach. My main hurdle back then was affording the professionals needed to bring my work to the standard of professionalism I require. Now my challenges are not so defined. The worst headache I have presently is breaking the volumes down into books of 100k-115k words.

9. Who do you feel, has supported you most, in your writing?

I have a great number of friends within the writing community who have helped me no end, and I’m eternally thankful to them and for them. I have my own team of people around me: editors, proof readers, book designers, book trailer designer etc who have made a major contribution to my project.

Of course, the many emails I have received from readers who share their experiences and feelings from reading my books, inspire me to continue on.

10. Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers?

I wish to thank them for all their kind mails, and reviews, over the last eighteen months. My greatest desire is to entertain them. Knowing how well my readers have received my work thus far, I can promise they have seen nothing yet. The first four books are just the tip of the iceberg with this concept.

11. Where can we find out more about you and your books?

The best place to go is my website:

12. Tell us a little about your book.

The new release is a revised edition of Bound By Blood. This is Book #6 in the series and the first from the Bound By Blood, or vampire, arc. Lucifer has searched for more than a millennium to find the one he can use to bring down the Catholic Church, and help him win the battle for souls. He identifies Vlad Dracula at the time of Dracula’s birth, as his chosen candidate. This book follows his creation of Dracula as a vampire, and Dracula’s subsequent journey through the 15th and early 16th Century to bring down God’s great icon.

13. What inspired you to write your book?

I have had a deep affection for Dracula the man for most of my life, and I had a fascination with Dracula the vampire. I long dreamed of creating a premise where I could successfully combine the two. No book I have read or movie I have seen has ever captured the true essence of the man, as I see him. Some sources are attempting this now, but still fall well short. Once you have read my series, you will understand fully what I mean by that.

14. Are the character profiles based on people you know or are they completely drawn from your imagination?

The majority of my characters are real people from history, so it was great to have an opportunity to have the chance to convey them to my audience the way I envisaged them. Of course, I do have fictional characters, too. For these, I often draw on people I have met. I also write in a very cinematic style, and visualize my story as such, so I occasionally build characters around famous actors I admire, even for the real historical characters.

15. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

You have to write about what you know and have experienced yourself, unless you’re writing science fiction. Even writing in a historical context, you have to draw on your own emotions and life experiences to be able to bring your characters to life and make your readers love them.

16. Which part of the book, in your opinion, was the most difficult to write?

I give a thoroughly accurate depiction of the age in which my books are set, so there is violence and brutality in the story. There is occasional violence against women, too. Being that this in no way reflects on the kind of person I am, and that I live these scenes in my mind, it’s not always so easy to write them.

17. What parts of the book do you love, in particular?

I love getting to scenes I have imagined, sometimes for years, and finally putting them to paper. I especially enjoy the epic battle scenes I write and the challenge of bringing those events to life. Most of the great battles I write about are not so well-known in the modern day, so it is satisfying to introduce readers to them and enable them to live through them, as I do. I like writing scenes of deep intimacy between my characters as this is one area of my persona I do draw on.

18. Tell us about the cover design of your book.

I originally had an old cover that had a very 90’s feel to it, so it was dated. Also, people mistook the White House for the Vatican, so I had to change it. For this new cover, I wanted something symbolic of Lucifer taking control of Dracula’s soul in a way that binds them together. Therefore, I opted for a clawed hand holding a beating heart.

19. Which ways have you chosen to market your book?

I generally use social media, the main site being Twitter.

20. If you had to do it all over again, is there anything you’d change?

Yes, I probably would have accepted one of the offers from big publishing houses I received historically.

21. Where can we find out more or buy the book?

The book is available on Amazon.

22. Who are you?

If I tell you, I’ll probably have to kill you.

23. What are the titles of your books?

The series is The Dracula Chronicles. The titles I have released so far are: The Lamb Of God; For Whom The Bell Tolls; The Path To Decay; Birth Of The Monster; and Bound By Blood.

The Gates Of Babylon and The Headless Cross are coming soon.

24. Who is your favourite author?

Conn Iggulden.

25. Worst book you have ever read?

I have read some awful ones, whose names I won’t mention. The book I least enjoyed by a famous writer is Last Night In Twisted River by John Irving. I just couldn’t get into it, no matter how hard I tried.

26. What book are you reading now?

I have just started Innocent Blood by James Rollins & Rebecca Cantrell.

27. Your favourite quote about writing/authors:

It would probably be something Stephen King said. "Description begins in the writer's imagination, but should finish in the reader's. The important part isn't writing enough, but limiting how much you say. Visualize what you want your reader to experience, and then translate what you see in your mind into words on the page. You need to describe things in a way that will cause your reader to prickle with recognition.”

28. Your biggest inspiration:

My children and the desire to give them a better future.

29. Something you can’t live without:


30. Your pet-hate:

Either leaving food open, or not stacking the dishwasher properly.

31. Your favourite place to be:

With the people I love.

32. Something you like/love about yourself?

My dedication to my craft.

33. Something you’d change about yourself?

The amount of time I allow it to take away from time spent with my loved ones.

34. Your ideal life would be:

Writing full-time, and not having an employer monopolising my time. Giving the world my books, one at a time, with the woman I love, and my children, close by. That would be perfect for me.

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to


I will, frequently, post book reviews and interviews of literary works I believe to have considerable merit. The manuscripts I choose to read will receive a one sentence book review to go along with a rather detailed author interview. Be advised, however, that I will not provide a book review for those manuscripts I find to be horrible, tasteless, and downright bad as to not throw salt on any writer's career trajectory because of my opinion of the work. The review and interview will be posted on my MINIBLOG entitled, The Kuykendall Post under the heading: THE KUYKENDALL REVIEW [TITLE HERE]

If I contacted you about your book, that means I liked it and will then provide you with an interview template. I would advise you to take great care and concern when answering the interview questions. I have an ever broadening audience and first impressions are paramount.

I take considerable pride in my ever expanding home library. I'm much different than other book reviewers out there who simply hoard free copies of any and everything they can get their hands on, which I consider no different from illegally downloading music. If you've recieved this notice, I've purchased your book and/or series, read it, and liked it. Now to figure out the best way to use 'what my platform is today,' to your benefit.

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to


I've been asked by Shane KP O'Neill, author of the widely successful Dracula Chronicles to endorse his latest project entitled, Bound by Blood by writing the foreword to his 6th installment. I'm proud to endorse this distinctive and entertaining manuscript with a tightly managed supernatural thread.

The Dracula Chronicles is a new and exciting series adding a fresh dimension to the Dracula legend, which combines the real historical Vlad Dracula with a new and different version of Dracula the vampire. The series has been released in two arcs, one that follows Dracula the man and the other following Dracula the vampire. It is written in a style that is both literary and cinematic, that places you there in the thick of the action always.

The books are historical novels of Gothic horror; religious corruption; political intrigue; tragedy; war; dark paranormal fantasy; and deep romance. The premise is built around Creation and the divide in Heaven that results from Lucifer’s jealousy of the creation of man. This leads to the First Great War of the Angels and Lucifer’s eventual expulsion from Heaven with all those who sided with him. The annihilation of the angels continues, but rather than destroy Lucifer, God agrees to a truce. By its terms, Lucifer can contest the soul of every living being as long as he does not interfere with their free will. Should he control more souls than God at any time, he can ascend again to Heaven and cast God and the angels out. He would then have a free hand to destroy all mankind.

Lucifer turns man against God with ease. God responds by sending his prophets one after another to bring man back to the path of righteousness. It seems to be merely delaying the inevitable and in one last effort to thwart Lucifer, God sends his son made man. In giving his life on the Cross, Jesus wipes away man’s sins. This leaves Lucifer back to where he was at the beginning and means he has to start again. The Catholic Church is born on that fateful day in Jerusalem as Christ’s church on the earth. Lucifer then believes if he can destroy this great icon of God, he can turn man against God once more. He searches for over a millennium for the one who can lead his assault on God. The Crusades give him renewed hope, and he is sure the conflict between Christian and Moslem will provide the one he seeks. When this does not materialise, he turns his attention to the Balkan region where this conflict is renewed with Ottoman expansion into eastern Europe. He finally identifies the second son of Vlad Dracul as the one he can manipulate into achieving his ends. God has prepared for this event, and in the very moment that Vlad Dracula draws his first breath, so does another child sired by Dracul, though born to a gypsy woman. This child, Andrei, is blessed by the angels and bestowed with great powers as a balance to the evil about to be unleashed upon the world.

I'm quite honored to have this opportunity as I am a fan of his work. I remember that in January of 2013 I reviewed some of his work; Birth Of The Monster and Bound By Blood volumes 1 & 2, which I recall writing:

"If you ever need a fellow author to write a foreword to your next book or chronicles—give me a ring. I'd be honored!"

It would seem that a year or so later, the author has come to claim the endorsement to which I'm ecstatic because both he and his literature are hardly forgettable.

Pragmatic author A.K. Kuykendall has a passion for writing conspiracy, espionage, horror, and suspense literature that blend the concepts of fact and fiction. For more information on his projects, visit or, to email the author directly for Q&A on this post, write to